As our journey comes to an end here in Ohrid, Macedonia, I can't help but reflect on everything that God has done while we were here. I had so many wonderful opportunities to meet some of the locals and form, what I hope will be, lasting relationships. I think I am probably amazed by the fact that so many of these conversations were so incredibly easy and I was able to share part of my story and a little bit about God with some of my new friends.
I guess in closing, I just pray that I would take more away from this city and this amazing opportunity than its natural beauty. I pray that I would take and use the spiritual growth I have experienced on this trip back to Birmingham for the present and wherever else God calls me to go in the future. And I pray that God would just put this city and these people in a special place in my heart with the hope that I will never forget them and continue to pray for them, that more of them may come to know Christ and his everlasting love!
As this week in Ohrid, Macedonia comes to an end I am simply amazed at what God is doing here and thankful for the small part that we were able to play in His work. If we were to measure our accomplishments by the measurements of man, it seems that we would have failed this week because we do not have a large number of souls saved. However, we do not seek the satisfaction and approval of man, instead we desire the satisfaction and the glory of God!
One of my favorite moments this week was the opportunity we had to meet with one of the local believers here in Ohrid. She invited us into her home and we were able to take part in discipling her. The team leader's wife, Mandy taught from John 15 and talked about the necessity of abiding in Christ and continuously pointing others towards the cross and the sacrifice that Christ made for us. Then, Jennifer, Courtney, and I were able to share our favorite verses with our precious sister and share with her how God was working in our hearts specifically through these verses. Then, she offered to dress us up in the dress for a traditional Macedonian bride. It was so precious and fun! Language was a small barrier in our fellowship, because the love and the laughter that we shared was understood by all.
Praise God for the people that we have met here in Macedonia. They have forever taken a piece of my heart and I desire so much that they would come to a place of repentance and intimate relationship with Christ. I have learned much in my time here: about the Lord, about missions, and about myself and in particular the areas where I need to depend on the Lord for my strength. Even though I am a redeemed sinner, there are parts of me that are wicked and I am thankful that God has revealed those areas to me so that I may grow to be more like Him.
Thank you for your prayers! They were dearly appreciated. Please pray as we begin the journey home around 12 AM tonight (5PM for you at home).
These are the Scriptures that have encouraged me the past few days and I would like to share them with you: 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17~ "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope though grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word."