Here is a picture of me on my first day of school at the bus stop: =D
I have also gained an appreciation for public transportation during my time here. Without the metro bus it would be very costly to get around the city....especially with the amount of traffic that is in this city.
I also want to update you on what has been going on the last few weeks. One of the biggest highlights that I want to share with you was the opportunity I had a little over a week ago to spend the day with my sponsored child from Compassion, Harol. I felt so blessed to be able to do all of the activities that we were allowed to do. First, we went to visit Iguana Park which is a very popular place amongst tourists in Guayaquil. Then, we spent a few hours playing on every possible playground in Malecon. After that, we went to a mall to grab some lunch before heading to Harol's house. I thought I loved this little boy more than imaginable before I met him, but then I realized how wrong I was. Now I love him even more than that. He is so precious, and I am thankful for the opportunity God has given me to invest in him. Before leaving the house, Harol and I played soccer for a little while and then it was time for me to go visit the Compassion center with one of the pastors. At the Compassion center, I had the opportunity to meet Harol's teacher and see his classroom. This day has definitely been one of the major highlights of my time here so far, and I hope to go back and visit them again before I come back to the States.

So, this is just a small piece of what the Lord has been doing in my time here in Ecuador. I will try to be more regular about updating so that you can hear more stories!
Ways that you can intentionally pray for me: 1. Pray that I will continue to adjust to the weather here in Quito and that I will continue learning the city quickly. 2. Pray that I will be able to divide my time well between classes and ministry in order to be the most effective. 3. Pray for me as I adjust to being more alone now than I have been. I have been blessed to have my friend, Bekah, with me this last month as well as my precious family from Guayaquil, but now I will be on my own for the majority of the days. (Please know that I am fully aware of God's presence with me always and that alone is sufficient, but this is still an adjustment that I have to make.)
Thank you for your prayers and the time you have taken to read what God is doing here.
With love and blessings,