From the onset of
infancy, most young girls are told, “someday your prince will come” by their
loving parents who already have visions about the bright future of their sweet,
baby girl. This simple phrase that
may be repeated frequently by parents or other members of immediate family
begins to build a sense of need for a significant other in the mind of the
young girl. Although intentions
are usually good, the results can be detrimental. Girls begin to see themselves only as being useful or
complete when accompanied by their future soul mate. And then, when they find themselves single in their late
teens or early twenties, it seems as if they are the outcasts of society if
they are not yet in a relationship or if they have not at least had a few attempts
by going on some dates or by “putting themselves out there.” Although this may be the norm for our
culture, I don’t believe this is what the Lord has intended for us based on Scripture. Paul actually refers to singleness as a
gift (Ephesians 7:6-8) and encourages us to stay that way unless we simply
cannot exercise self-control. I
don’t believe Paul is saying here that marriage is bad, but Paul acknowledges
his singleness allows him a special intimacy with God.
think we all, especially parents, can learn from Paul’s example. Shouldn’t we encourage young boys and
girls to seek first an intimacy in their relationship with Christ, and teach
them that the Lord will provide in the best way for his or her life whether
that means having a spouse or not?
This changes the emphasis of things, which is very important because the
boy or the girl is no longer the center of attention. God becomes the center of attention! This makes us focus on the reason for
which we were created, to bring God the most glory. Then, fathers and mothers could spend more quality time
teaching their sons and daughters how to be better men and women of God, not to
find satisfaction in the eyes of the opposite sex, but rather to find
satisfaction in the eyes of their Heavenly Father.