Friday, June 8, 2007

Vacation Bible School

Today was the last day of Vacation Bible School for my church. I was in charge of preschool recreation. It was soooo mcuh fun!!! Kids are a lot of fun to play with. They truly love from the heart and that is what I love most. When they give you a hug, they give you a hug with love. Kids are our future. One of the most difficult parts of organizing pre-school rec. was deciding what games they could play and what games they could not. I did not want to pick any games that were too difficult or not difficult enough. I spent a lot of time in prayer asking God to bless the games that we played. I also asked Him to work in the hearts of these children this week. He did! GOd also blessed us for the past two days by holding the rain off of us. It was looking really bad this morning, and it did sprinkle a little bit, but not enough to cancel the games that we had planned. I thank God for each of the kids that I came in contact with this week. They were truly a blessing to me as I know they were for te rest of the teachers.

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